Blog v Wiki

In my opinion, wiki is a new media that has information with statistic, data and different branches to a topic. In the other hand, blog is a new media platform to express a point focus opinion of a topic or issue. Both, wiki and blog have a system where one can upload information wether is precise or not and comment on posts made. In the article, "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" Wilson states that a blog allows "one person wrote in 2006 about a home steeped in reports."But, wiki has  the ability to have a topic online that can be changed by others.This issue is stated  in the article "An Internal Wiki That's Not Classified" when " anyone at the State of Department could have edited the biographies." The topic of importance of convergence in today's world reflect the evolving of new information on a topic.  As technology evolves, new information is magnified to correct the errors made in past calculations and new finding in history. I believe that blogs can be used for collaboration by presenting a topic where new subtopics can be commented by others.


  1. I feel as though this connectivity we all have as classmates through our own respective blogs does a great job at demonstrating the collaboration that blogs can be used for. I like how you describe wiki as being a new media that can have "different branches to a topic." In my perspective I didn't see it as having different branches, but rather having different inputs. I feel as though when others submit the information within a wiki, it's more of an additional input of the same topic. But it can also be conveyed differently, as information can branch out like the way you described. Very interesting.


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