Next New

Today we have been introduced to various new forms of technology that have impacted our every day life. Specifically, we have recently been introduced to apple watches which provides with similar features as an iPhone. Bu, how cool would it be if our smart watches contained holographic 3D  features. In many movies, we constantly see holographic 3D project- technology that provides user with a portable screen without having to carry your laptop outside. This new features can greatly improve our projection technology. help with map views. It will amazing to see in this technology come to life. 


  1. That is a really cool idea, I would love to get one.

  2. Loving it! Our idea is similar, I came up with 3D holographic video messaging. It would be great if this were to be invented. This would be awesome for meetings, or even if you want to show your friends videos or images. I love the image you used as well! Great thinking!

  3. Hi Carmen,

    I agree with my fellow classmates; this is such a cool way to show images from your phone! That way, you can do presentations simply from your smartphone rather than a projector.

  4. Hey Carmen,
    I really love the idea about how this could help with map views! I think a lot of the time googlemaps could get confusing in which direction you're facing and a holographic view would definitely make things easier. Very cool idea!


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