Blog Social Networking

 Many social networking sites have been modified to fit the increase in companies' demands. Most companies have now resorted to hiring employees based on their social networking sites. For example, Langfitt states in "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" that "using Linkedin, Steckerl says he can scout a group of job candidates in just half an hour." Linkedin has been developed to categorize employees  based on their qualifications and employers for their company's  standards. Using Linkedin is like an online resume that allows you to easily let recruits know your qualification by searching you up.  While, Facebook has made it easier for employees to investigate the company they will be working, before being hired. Thus, the Facebook search feature mentioned in  the article "Facebook search- Facebook adding search features" will not only benefit Facebook users but also help businesses market their products. For example, a company will be able to market their customer  based on how "Zuckerberg promised users will be able to tailor their searches, such as by specifying music and restaurants that their friends like, or their favorite dentist." In my opinion, I believed that over time social networking sites will create a controversy where one's private social networking site such as Facebook should not be part of the hiring process.


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