
Showing posts from October, 2017

Creativity and New Media

Snapchat is a form of new media communication that has been introduced to our society.  In snapchat being more involve in the new generation, there was app created to display your bitmoji as a form of profile picture. The bitmoji app gives you an access to create an avatar that is identical to you and connect to your Snapchat account. To create my bitmjoi, I started by downloading the app and then proceed it to link it to my Snapchat account. As I was asked to pick a face structure, hair color, eye color, and different characteristics to complete my avatar. I realized that the avatar was formed to represent a form of my physical appearance and then used to displayed different emotions. In creating my avatar, I was also able to use it on my text messages. Now, the avatar serves as profile of my Snapchat account.


    The word creativity is defined as an act of turning new and imagine ideas into reality. Specifically, we notice that many artists work for months on a creative idea that later is modified and released.  In order to release it, artists tend to turn to new media to bring awareness to their upcoming work. An example, mashups are created through new media to form a vocal from one long is laid over the music of another one. According to the article," 1+1+1=1" by Sasha Jones, " mashups finds new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and then the music does." Thus, we can see that mashups are focusing on reinstating it material through the use of technology such as itunes, Spotify, and youtube.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

   Virtual worlds is described as a representation of reality. According, to the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" states that virtual worlds are useful "in education, in delivery services, or as a advanced form of tele-healthcare that offers so much more then videoconferencing." Virtual words can be used for a social connection that human interaction constrains.  For example, "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" gives an insight that you could access interaction in  a club without having to deal with the alcohol odors or body crowding.  In business, virtual worlds for a interactive web program that will be accessible through different platforms. Therefore, virtual words creates advantages for military and medical  training, physical therapy, and gaming experiences. But, virtual words creates a lack of a better tracking system and over looks the basic laws of physics. In my opinion, I feel that virtual worlds

Blog about Twitter

In my opinion a Twitter discussion is similar to Blackboard Discussion to a certain level only. For instance, both have the ability to form a chain of discussion based on a issue but Twitter is more public while Blackboard is a closed group. Also, Twitter had features that allow you to retweet  a tweet or article tweeted but Blackboard only allows you to comment on a post. In the other hand, Twitter and in-class discussion are different platforms. Twitter creates a discussion based on a constant issue appeared in social media while in-class discussion refers more to a chosen topic by the professor. In using Twitter it allows for a faster share and broad audience while in-class will allows your opinion to bounce off between classmates.

Social Networking Sites

The social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram all serve as a form of social interaction but have different branches to it. For example, all four social media sites provide different platforms to freely post a thought or point of view but Snapchat and Instagram are social networking sites that have a restraint in the different method of posting. We have Twitter and Facebook which have similar features that allows us to share picture, opinions and re-post stories or tweets. But, I feel that Snapchat and Instagram have a solid feature of only sharing photos as a post with a caption then just a phrase on its own. Overall, all four social networking sides have good features to stay connected to with society. 

Blog Social Networking

 Many social networking sites have been modified to fit the increase in companies' demands. Most companies have now resorted to hiring employees based on their social networking sites. For example, Langfitt states in  "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" that "u sing  Linkedin , Steckerl says he can scout a group of job candidates in just half an hour." Linkedin has been developed to categorize employees  based on their qualifications and employers for their company's  standards. Using Linkedin is like an online resume that allows you to easily let recruits know your qualification by searching you up.  While, Facebook has made it easier for employees to investigate the company they will be working, before being hired. Thus, the Facebook search feature mentioned in  the article "Facebook search- Facebook adding search features" will not only benefit Facebook users but also help businesses market their products. For example

Blog v Wiki

In my opinion, wiki is a new media that has information with statistic, data and different branches to a topic. In the other hand, blog is a new media platform to express a point focus opinion of a topic or issue. Both, wiki and blog have a system where one can upload information wether is precise or not and comment on posts made. In the article, "Brooklyn Blog Helps Lead to Drug Raid" Wilson states that a blog allows "one person wrote in 2006 about a home steeped in reports."But, wiki has  the ability to have a topic online that can be changed by others.This issue is stated  in the article "An Internal Wiki That's Not Classified" when " anyone at the State of Department could have edited the biographies." The topic of importance of convergence in today's world reflect the evolving of new information on a topic.  As technology evolves, new information is magnified to correct the errors made in past calculations and new finding in his