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Today we have been introduced to various new forms of technology that have impacted our every day life. Specifically, we have recently been introduced to apple watches which provides with similar features as an iPhone. Bu, how cool would it be if our smart watches contained holographic 3D  features. In many movies, we constantly see holographic 3D project- technology that provides user with a portable screen without having to carry your laptop outside. This new features can greatly improve our projection technology. help with map views. It will amazing to see in this technology come to life. 

Wiki So Far

I decided to contribute to the page, Social Networking. I decided to included a picture to  illustrate the economic perspective of social networking. In the Economic Perspective: Marketing i added information to provide a quick overview of the usage of Facebook tools in businesses. My information included how Facebook tools has provided marketing advertisements to help companies target customers and gain conversions. Also, I added information to the Social Networking:Communication section to introduce the readers the background information of communications methods before social networking. In addition, I added a picture to introduce the forms of today's communications.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is defined as the ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network.  According to the article, " Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it " P2P is peep-to-peer distribution. In many cases P2P file sharing is use to create the attention needed to bring audience . One example of P2P file sharing is  P2P site The Pirate  Bay, where users help to bring a massive of shares that has help to reach  download  and viewers  on a film. Another example, P2P is use for loans outside of banks. The process allows for a more direct funding process between investors and borrowers.

Blog: Advice

The strong presence of new media in today's society, provides us with different ways to improve Baruch College. First I believe improving the virtual campus tour will be a great start. The current virtual tour is outdated that it does not provide enough information of the campus. The tour should be similar to a life tour in order to provide upcoming students with the real student life at Baruch. Thus, this will avoid new students from being lost in the first day of class. In addition, there needs to be a social media platform for each class. This will helps students to be more engage in the class and aware of upcoming deadlines.  Furthermore, Twitter should be use as a discussion platform instead of blackboard. Twitter, will help more students to be engage and learn from others.

Blog: Privacy

New media has created difference platforms for communication. Social networks were created to help us stay connected with our loved ones but leads to the loss of privacy and confidentiality.  Facebook and other social networks prompts us to create a profile with our personal information. They give us the option of a public or private account but in reality  many are still allowed to see our some content of our private page. We may delete a post but it will still be surfing around the web forever. Thus, this lead to major threat of our privacy. Snapchat has been lately making it available for users to view each other's location which raises concerns for our safety. Hackers are now finding ways to steal personal information by having in our computers.

Creativity and New Media

Snapchat is a form of new media communication that has been introduced to our society.  In snapchat being more involve in the new generation, there was app created to display your bitmoji as a form of profile picture. The bitmoji app gives you an access to create an avatar that is identical to you and connect to your Snapchat account. To create my bitmjoi, I started by downloading the app and then proceed it to link it to my Snapchat account. As I was asked to pick a face structure, hair color, eye color, and different characteristics to complete my avatar. I realized that the avatar was formed to represent a form of my physical appearance and then used to displayed different emotions. In creating my avatar, I was also able to use it on my text messages. Now, the avatar serves as profile of my Snapchat account.


    The word creativity is defined as an act of turning new and imagine ideas into reality. Specifically, we notice that many artists work for months on a creative idea that later is modified and released.  In order to release it, artists tend to turn to new media to bring awareness to their upcoming work. An example, mashups are created through new media to form a vocal from one long is laid over the music of another one. According to the article," 1+1+1=1" by Sasha Jones, " mashups finds new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and then the music does." Thus, we can see that mashups are focusing on reinstating it material through the use of technology such as itunes, Spotify, and youtube.